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on tablets, smartphones & social networks

Each day we are diligently working on a variety of projects for our clients. You can find us doing end-to-end development (game design, development documentation, art design, and testing) or taking over live operations for our clients' games. We are highly skilled in porting games from platform to platform, as well as in fully testing new and old games.

Apart from the fact that we’re incredibly friendly, we also draw from the 12+ years of experience we have in the mobile gaming market. We have 50 dedicated employees to help create the best possible product for you. Using Scrum and Lean approaches, our teams deliver quality work on-time every time, meaning you can quickly market a product that will delight your customers.



We know you don’t always have the time or the capacity to fully test your new releases. We also know that testing when you’re developing on a completely new platform can be a challenge too. Fortunately, we have the time and experience to help you with those situations. Our company is trusted by top names in the business, like EA, Nickelodeon, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Nintendo, to consistently test games for bugs and defects. You can be assured, after testing 500+ games, we definitely know what we’re doing!



We cover these tests plus many more:

  • Compatibility testing

  • Multiplayer/Matchmaking testing

  • Monetization testing

  • Playability testing

  • User Experience (UX) testing

  • Creating Test Plans