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on tablets, smartphones & social networks

Each day we are diligently working on a variety of projects for our clients. You can find us doing end-to-end development (game design, development documentation, art design, and testing) or taking over live operations for our clients' games. We are highly skilled in porting games from platform to platform, as well as in fully testing new and old games.

Apart from the fact that we’re incredibly friendly, we also draw from the 12+ years of experience we have in the mobile gaming market. We have 50 dedicated employees to help create the best possible product for you. Using Scrum and Lean approaches, our teams deliver quality work on-time every time, meaning you can quickly market a product that will delight your customers.



You know that game(s) in your portfolio that’s just collecting cobwebs while you’ve been off making bigger and better games? It’s making your players sad. They want new levels! New features! Plenty of developers are facing this issue as they focus on new initiatives.

Playsoft makes it easy for you to hand off the long tail or non-strategic games in your portfolio so you can do what you do best and we can do what we do best. We quickly assemble a live ops team for your game, define the target metrics & KPIs, and get to work creating new levels, concepts, and features. We have a relentless obsession to bring value to the players, which is why we only implement elements that tested well with them.

Being player-centric goes hand in hand with our lean approach, which focuses on validating what we learn. We believe in fast iterations to eliminate waste and provide visibility on the project progress. We organize our work into weekly sprints with each day resulting in a build to validate. Every 2 weeks, we launch a new update to 50% of the new audience to A/B test the features and validate the improvement in KPIs. Should the growth hypothesis be revised, we can quickly shift direction with minimal waste. Who wouldn’t be happy with that?

Live operations covers anything from the smallest hot fix to large level builds and content extension

  • New levels and content

  • Monetization optimization

  • Ad optimization

  • Technology update for OS upgrades

  • Live events

  • SDK updates

The live operations process & methodology

  • Success standards, like targets for selected KPIs, are defined with the client

  • A backlog of game qualities and functions, or user stories, are written down

  • User stories are organized into 1-week sprints, with a testable build as the result each day

  • Game updates are soft-launched every 2 weeks to determine which features work and which don’t

  • The Scrum/Lean approach allows full visibility of all portions of the project by all team members

The Live Operations Team

  • A dedicated developer & Scrum Master

  • An artist & game designer, if needed

  • Additional developers, if needed

  • Team scales up and down based on client needs